And sometimes the answer we get is our greatest fear.
“When we’re headed toward an outcome that’s too horrible to face, that’s when we go looking for a second opinion. And sometimes, the answer we get just confirms our worst fears. But sometimes, it can shed new light on the problem, make you see it in a whole new way. After all the opinions have been heard and every point of view has been considered, you finally find what you’re after – the truth. But the truth isn’t where it ends, that’s just where you begin again with a whole new set of questions.” -M.G.
In relationships, especially new ones there are certain questions we want to ask, you urn to ask, you burn.. just thinking ‘how on earth could he/she possibly answer’. Sometimes you meet someone who, tells the truth…pause for surprise…yes..TRUTH. Ha! Then you ask all those lovely questions…. ‘How you do feel about us?’ ‘Where do you see us going from here’ and the ultimate question ‘do you think you could ever love me’? It’s like a fucking waterfall of emotions and usually when you’re done the look on the dudes face should be enough of a sign that you asked ALL THE WRONG QUESTIONS. Whatever happened to the most important question, “am I happy”? And shouldn’t that be enough?
Also in relationships, we seek validation from outside forces; sure what happens between two people surely can be seen by others, right? Yea that was sarcasm. Nobody knows what you have, I mean what we share in our intimate relationships rivals most other relationships. An edge and or closeness is formed off the sharing or your stories, your past, your dreams and well hell…let’s just say it, your soul. When you are young, let’s say early 20’s, you should listen to not only the voices in your heart (wait for it….yes that is called intuition) but as you get older and date, love, have your heart broken and break others hearts in return, you learn a lot about yourself and what you want and need (now you’re in your 30’s) and it’s about love, timing, your career and what you can give..time…energy.. and the more you learn these things you learn to…walk hand in hand with this person you’ve chosen to be a part of your little world (and has chose you!) and to look at them and shut the fuck up and just enjoy the moment, where they look at you and tell you they love you and you brush those memories aside of another lifetime where you heard that and then saw it crushed, you look into those eyes and think, God it’s like the first time you’ve ever truly seen someone love you and most importantly, you look at them, kiss them and have no questions…only one actually ‘what’s the next adventure’ for you both, for your hearts and for your souls.