
Friends in Low Places

In your 20’s the rotating door of friends is ever turning them into ‘somebody you used to know’. I do not pretend to think this isn’t just me but so many girl friends have gone in and out with a bang but I will say 20 somethings seems to be now on top of the list of people to not trust and you/I should expect nothing of.

In my 30’s, I look back at how selfish and self absorbed I was . It was all about me so how can I think and hope that Andrea would be different is beyond me. I can no longer talk for hours about nail polish, where I got the shirt I am wearing, the local bar, how drunk I got, who I took home ‘I am so ashamed’ oh but wait, I’ll do it again tomorrow! But she was my support through my last relationship, she knew and heard it all but that was before she left her husband and found other 20 somethings to hang with.

I do not fault these girls for their lack of experience and or lack of self respect..believe me I have been there but there comes a point where you just can’t watch a train wreck right? At the end of the day I know myself and I, at 34, if you can’t handle me telling you ‘yea not wearing a condom with a random dude from a random bar is fucking stupid’ then you can’t handle the truth and I cannot be bothered with you.

“Love don’t exist when you live like this” -B.M.