Pisces are supposedly the combo of all the signs..
Abby seeing her father die like I saw my mother die, never before have I felt a connection from death.
this simple part-time job turned into a drinking fountain of sorts, drinking from the wellness well and then this untapped resource that is Abby.
Girls’ night, the movie (A Star is Born, OMG!), her smile and her youth and her intelligence, I am 39 and it’s been such a long time since I have been impressed, loved, and felt such an amazing presence.
Validation for taking a low paying pt job to get through school or the stars aligned and brought me a new and wonderfully strong new friend, someone I can learn from as much as she can learn from me, I am not a narcissus, I truly can say that but I so rarely learn from other women, that sounds so sexist but it’s not just women, I don’t try to make friends with men anymore, I’m of the ‘When Harry Met Sally’s side of the tracks but women? Yea, let’s compare crowns, let’s grow, let’s challenge, let’s learn and teach each other. Sorry, that sounds so cheesy but I am being honest about the men and women being friends and I do want girlfriends, some women seem to be ok with just hanging with their man, I have never been that girl, I love my partners but I need more.
“If wishes were fishes” -Sue