

I though I would add an edge to my blog, Throwback Thursdays. I use the word ‘edge’ loosely as I do not have many followers but in the off chance some publisher reads my blog as I am sure most of us would hope for, billion dollar blogger anyone??!! 🙂
Re: #tbt: Recently I have found boxes of old journals and poems, most of which are gut wrenchingly corny but despite their corniness they all have value, I often would lace in music lyrics, movie and or book quotes. For instance, when I say ‘Smashing’ I am not only referring to the emotion useage of the word but the band Smashing Pumpkins, enjoy and if you judge please do so lightly and with understanding.
Circa 1997

The writing is always on the wall. I am the wallflower that seeps up each emotion and breaths out sweet nothings.

I stare out the window searching for utopia, seeking true love I run from the people I am suppose to forgive. Tired and worn, yet in love. I’m going to explode, this burning, that has not always been here, is burning a hole. I am so invisible! Voices rain around me and nobody notices that I am quiet and that my head is down. I try not to care, I try so hard to forgive yet why should I when they don’t even see the hurt they have caused. “Because, your beautiful”. Smashing lies crush my bones. Interrupted twice and only one piece of comfort. His touch is soothing and it shouldn’t be. My love tries to mend oceans, actually he doesn’t, I have to do it myself.

“Bark leads to bite but not with you, you lead me on” -Noah Sanders