cheating, loss, love

Surgical Love

“The goal of any surgery is total recovery – to come out better than you were before. Some patients heal quickly and feel immediate relief. For others the healing happens gradually, and it’s not until months or even years later that you realize you don’t hurt anymore. So the challenge after any surgery is to be patient. But if you can make it through the first weeks and months, if you believe that healing is possible, then you can get your life back. But that’s a big if.” -Meredith Grey <3

Was it worth it, was she worth it? My vision is as foggy as this recovery from the love…he’s on a dock, I’m on my knees praying for forgiveness while he climbs in the boat, crying and throwing the line I tied so tight, tied it with loyalty and wreck less abandon. I throw him the line and we smile because we know that it was one hell of a ride. “Still got scars in my back from your knives” –T.S. The boat drifts off, the air is misty and its overcast, I’m still on my knees watching him go, the fog engulfs the boat and slowly he disappears from my view and I know he’s content. “Sometimes goodbye is the only way” –L.P.

#blog #reflection #breakupsaresurgery