
the eminent question

Retirement, a life’s work, working in a job one does not love but merely does to get by, the day to day, the monotonous ‘oh it’s just another Monday’ or question: ‘how was your day?’ …answer: ‘oh you know, living the dream’ with the biggest gulp of sarcasm. How the others do it I do not know…I hate to make another reference but I walk into work and it’s like the matrix! The ballerina, the lawyer, the construction worker; they all walk towards me but no matter how I weave through the crowd I keep getting in the way, always rounding the corner at work and almost kissing the person who’s walking not paying attention, colliding, I apologize but I don’t know why, I always apologize, for everything ‘you and me collide’ . I’m always colliding and always in the wreckage.
Back to retirement. How will I ever make it to retirement if I never love what I do and always struggle to just ‘get by’ why do we as humans just decide to ‘get by’, I have no children, no husband..I almost stopped typing after that :/ I hate the idea of being chained to a desk and yet I just got a promo at work where I will be doing just that, the job I do now mostly involves running around the office…my FitBit loves it and so do I, the grunt work, not so much.
How do we work a job we do not like, do not love, struggle and or just ‘get by’ and for what? In this day and age we, well my gen anyways, will be lucky to get a 401k if anything. All I want is an island, no politics, no bad drivers, sunshine, love and peace, to travel, to write, to…just be happy just being…is that too much ask for?