

“There’s a girl on a ledge, who’s got nowhere to turn. Because all the love that she had was just wood that she burned now her life is on fire, it’s no one’s concern she can blame the world…or pray til dawn but only love…can breakerfall.

Yeah only love can breakerfall…fall it’s like she’s lost the invitation to the party on earth and she’s standing outside hating everyone here, yeah she’s her own disease, crying to her doll but only love…can breakerfall, breakerfall only love can breakerfall yeah…fall, breakerfall, love oh oh…breakerfall ooh yeah only love can breakerfall. -Pearl Jam

I have had this quote book for years, in fact I think this entry was written in 2000, feels like yesterday. The was written in my book while I was in Australia and before you think it, no I am not some rich kid who gets to travel to luxurious places, this trip was a gift from my parents, because after graduating high school, after I returned home from Australia, they were to leave to go traveling and that was it, my plans for going to UW, living in a dorm, doing the ‘college thing’ were swept under the rug.

It took me years to, well let’s just say I will never be over it, I mean after three kids they deserved a vacation but it felt like I was being abandoned. I met Steve, who wrote that quote in the book, in Oz (that’s what the locals call it) he was the son of the family that I stayed with for the majority of my trip, I always refer to Rob and Helen as my God parents but the truth is they are my sisters God parents, which makes me feel better because while I remained a virgin in Oz having Steve’s bedroom close to mine provided a…well thrill if you will. We laid around kissing and touching and talking. It’s no surprise that he picked up on much of, well me, when I read the quote at the airport I looked at him and asked why he wrote it (I actually love to ask people why they wrote what they did) he said, as he lovingly touched moved my hair behind my ears, he always did that, it used to annoy me but that day it didn’t, he said ‘you love to love Beck, someday you’ll really fall in love and don’t burn it, let him love you’. Then I got on the plane.

Another quote from Oz…. ‘T.G.I.F, doesn’t mean Thank God its Friday, it means Toes Go In First”. An Aussie sailor said that one, he said T.G.I.F. is for when you’re so blitzed that you have to remind yourself that toes go into the shoe first. They do love a drink that is for sure 🙂
