Drifting back and forth between being and wanting to be an adult and letting certain aspects of my personality settle back into infancy it seems. "I want to be the girl with the most cake" I do, I really do want to be the girl with the most cake. I imagine her to be quiet… Continue reading The Most Cake
Category: work drama
It’s so hard to be sweet, to be quiet, to be vulnerable and demur. So much of me wants to fight; I don’t want to stay ‘stand up’ because I am not abused, generally unheard, I really do not go without (unless you consider the days I am on my 'diet' and I do not… Continue reading M.A.D.
Strengths Finder: Responsibility
A reminder to not let this stop you from living your best life. Get out of the city, go on a hike, do all those things you said you would do away from people. "Did you know that one fully grown tree can provide enough oxygen for 2 to 10 people every day?! Breathe in… Breathe out… and say thank you to a forest!" https://www.earthrangers.com/top-10/10-reasons-why-forests-are-so-awesome/