I loved you differently. Don't want you back you're just the best I ever had. My spirit is bruised but my tenacity could never be shaken by your betrayals. They say you never lose by loving, I know I've lost something but the fact that I do not know what's missing tells me I am… Continue reading Loving You Had Consequences
Category: body issues
The Most Cake
Drifting back and forth between being and wanting to be an adult and letting certain aspects of my personality settle back into infancy it seems. "I want to be the girl with the most cake" I do, I really do want to be the girl with the most cake. I imagine her to be quiet… Continue reading The Most Cake
Should have been a lawyer cuz I’m such a good liar..
Is it too early for a throw back? April 22nd, 2005 So many mornings I feel like today is no different than yesterday, each step, each word, they are all just routines in miniature. Each day I feel progressively more obese than the day before. When did I become so obsessed with fitting into this… Continue reading Should have been a lawyer cuz I’m such a good liar..