My father is an 80-year-old Oklahoma-born, Vietnam vet, a retired police officer, and very much a man of his generation. So of course he wanted to be a John Wayne type. If you are not familiar with JW let me give you a few examples - from the movie Hondo (this is totally how he… Continue reading He’s Ain’t No John Wayne
Category: family
Go Ask Alice
Not that Alice, but if you could ask Alice anything what would you ask? This Alice though, she's the one I can't get over: "I happen to love rabbits, especially white ones" - Alice Kingsley When I reflect on my mild obsession with the Alice movies I can remember being very young, sick with something… Continue reading Go Ask Alice
Hello Goodbye Girl
Goodbyes, farewells, run baby run, abandoning and sometimes leaving behind a beautiful wreckage, ships after a storm, my disorganized storm. I've abandoned ideas, pursuits, people, and things - so many things but mostly ideas. Ideas about what it looks like to be, anything. My reality is still me playing alone in my room as a… Continue reading Hello Goodbye Girl
Let Greek Ghosts Go
On the Greek side Mom always told me there was nothing there at the graveyard, nothing worth finding anyway. When I found them and put the rose bush with the branches I had found, seemingly especially for them and myself - the exact number of tiny roses as her siblings, except one was bloomed and… Continue reading Let Greek Ghosts Go
In Dreams
I have always had vivid dreams. Typically the main themes are: me saving someone or something (many times it is my niece in some shape or form, or a kitty - lots of kitties and strangers) a lot of the time the house I grew up in is a theme, it may not look like… Continue reading In Dreams
The Little Girls
This concept and or idea of there being many parts to us, that we have past versions of ourselves running around inside our hearts, mind, and souls; for me the little girls of my past, little Becky's that were not honored or seen. The idea of playing as an adult is a bit foreign to… Continue reading The Little Girls
They Say Hawks Fly Alone
My brother is 10 years older than me, and he's been a rock for me at times, well he's tried as I seem to believe I am my own rock but he has tried nonetheless. He's quiet, contemplative, and seemingly rather sad; he's definitely the silent type, much like my Mother - a 'silent sufferer'… Continue reading They Say Hawks Fly Alone
old quotes and looking beyond
I found this journal of my mom's, she kept her own quote book of sorts, I had no idea and sadly and or ironically I have had one that I have filled since I was in my teens. Friends wrote in it, acquaintances, strangers and of course family. I use my quote book so often… Continue reading old quotes and looking beyond
Death & Taxes
During this tax season, I find myself hopeful and excited when I perhaps should not be but my naive heart just sees that I get money back each year so never mind what I have lost. On loss, this Saturday my mother would have been 75 years old, I used to be such a wreck… Continue reading Death & Taxes
rêves les plus fous
As sleep, naps and rest elude me I search for ways to rest myself, ways to release the demons, memories of us, memories of her, worries, sorrows, they all create a wall of sorts for me on a daily basis, if I can get through the wall I can be at peace but they join… Continue reading rêves les plus fous