
Pretty Little Liar


I wonder what it is about human nature that makes us lie. Sometimes they are small little lies and other times it’s a big one, perhaps that sort of lie that becomes a snowball of a lie, rolling and gathering other lies to help it keep going down a hill where you know there’s really way for it to end.

Really, what is the difference between a big lie and a little one? Is a white lie called that because it is suppose to be innocent? I am not immune, nor do I pretend to be perfect, that I tell no lies,  will say though, in my old age 😉 I have learned one thing about lies.

Why we lie to others, to ourselves, about our ambitions, accomplishments, gym time, family ties, ex’s…the list goes on content wise but could it be shame? Are we so shameful of what we believe someone else will think of something we’ve done or didn’t do that we need to mask that in a lie? Furthermore, shame, lie, more shame? Right?! It seems to be a cycle!

Why do we feel the need to lie? Wouldn’t it be easier to just say ‘yea, I am trying to figure my shit out but we are all different and I am giving myself time to get it right’.
