‘Sometimes the most perfect love stories end. That does not, however, make them anything less than wonderful.’ -B (and Carrie Bradshaw I think)
There’s something about Ed Vedder. I definitely had an alt phase, being a Seattle girl after all (which I am sure you know if you follow this blog). I loved so many of those that have recently taken their lives, Eddie has always seemed stronger than the rest. Even Black Hole Sun, as powerful as that ballad was, could never combat Jeremy. A will to survive it seems. Still my heart weeps for Chris Cornell, he was so talented. Also Chester…
I care….
Perhaps my Mother’s passing touched and ‘torched’ (pun intended) on an already existing dark side but I have lately listened to many songs and albums that resonate on a deeper level. Linkin Park’s lyrics have always rung so true for me. Poor Chester. If only these artists knew what they taught us, how they made is feel, the mile stones…all without ever really knowing, the pain as it seems.
Keane’s song ‘A Bad Dream’ makes me admit that yes, some days I do not feel like fighting. Not fighting life I mean, I am not a suicidal person at all. I am not mentally ill and I have far too much to live for (I am definitely not saying anything more than that as this is a sensitive issue). Suffice to say that sometimes it is healthy to just be sad, disheveled if you will. Man it is ok, let it out! I think that is why we are all on here.
In a society where people give up more than they fight for things, people, causes…we need to be vigilant about protecting ourselves, our dreams, maintaining certain boundaries and above all. No matter how hard a fight you are fighting, do not forget others are potentially fighting a more difficult one, so try to be kind.
Oh and rock on 🙂