Boy meets girl who has given up on white horses, she is happy with friends and work. Boy sees that she still may need to be saved. Boy seems too good to be true so girl dips her feet in but even after a year and many ‘I love you’s’ she is still not all in. Until one day boy verbally shakes her core and she falls, hard, so deep down the rabbit hole, there is no end. Boy travels, girl loses many things, some of it herself. Boy travels, girl is lonely and sad, withdrawn and loosing hope that boy will ever buy the ring she picked out. Girl finds texts. Gives boy another chance but her heart is broken. Boy goes home for holidays, for the first time in three years without this girl and secrets come out, more lies, betrayal. Girl is lost and defenses stack high, games, boundaries that he had broken down so long ago must go back up. Still she tried, to recover what she thought they both lost, for too long. Until she wakes one day feeling the sun again and this golden haired blue eyed girl soon feels peace…
“I drew the best hand you’d ever hold. Then cashed my winnings in long ago. Settled for silver how could I know. You were waiting with the gold” –Emmy Lou Harris
Push me pull you. And now she meets a new boy. This girl who never thought she would feel this again. Whispering sweet nothings she grasps the side of the rabbit hole still emotionally pulling pieces of herself out, most of all trust and a heart that she thought had sunk into the abyss of that hole slowly rises to the occasion. Will she push or will she pull…
“After living in the dark for so long a glimpse of the light can make you giddy” -The Good Girl