February 2nd 2015
Today is Groundhog day, originally known as Grundsow Lodges. I love the movie, so does my Dad. We share many of the same loves and movies are one of them 🙂
The movie its self is metaphorical, I mean the fact that he is put into this, what at first seems to be a mundane sort of repetitive existence, is like God telling him somehow that ‘you will make good, you will live and be the man you are meant to be, only then will the repetition stop, you will accept that death is a part of life’. “It was just his time. Sometimes people just die”. ‘You will take the time to really delve deep into a person’s soul (for less than gentlemanly reasons in this movie but delving nonetheless) thus enlightening yourself to what the worlds can really be, how beautiful each human life truly is, you will live the life you never dreamed of and become the man you never wanted to be nor thought you ever could be, learning from mistakes’..aka the puddle! And when all is said and done, all the others in the story will never remember the good deeds, the enlightenment, what you may have taught them, how you touched them but in the end (in this movies case) when he wakes and a new day starts he has his whole life to repeat those events and interactions and only then will those people remember. But will that first new day be like the last day he was reliving? Will that gent choke, will that boy fall because he isn’t there? Questions that drive us movie dorks batty! I know the movie is corny but I grew up watching Bill Murray, love him and in general watching it kind of inspires me, why aren’t we as people living each day like it’s our last, like who knows if there is a tomorrow and as if we are living the same day over and over and living the day at hand perfectly is the key to a new day, food for thought.
Phil: I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl. We ate lobster, drank piña coladas. At sunset, we made love like sea otters.
[Ralph and Gus snort]
Phil: *That* was a pretty good day. Why couldn’t I get *that* day over, and over, and over…