family, love

Brotherly Love?

My brother is older than me; much older…yeah he is 10 years older. My Mom always says “something happened at 35 and your Dad got a lot cuter (wink wink (her)…GROSS! (me))”.

It’s always amusing when he’s tried to give me marital and or relationship advice. In his defense he says very little but when he does I kinda look at him and secret wedding in Vegas, secret divorce in Vegas (#1) and then another secret wedding in…wait for it…in Vegas, then a fake wedding back in Seattle. Ten years later a divorce in Seattle (#2) OH and then another marriage, this one was legit (#3). Some people simply do not speak their mind, they don’t say they like or don’t like things about themselves, a discussion, a way of life, about the person they are in a relationship with, they settle. Plain and simple. (p.s. why the heck does spell check insist that Vegas is capitalized but not God and yes I cap’d God myself)

“I drew the best hand you’d ever hold. Then cashed my winnings in long ago. Settled for silver how could I know. You were waiting with the gold” –Emmylou Harris

Despite the fact that when I speak to him or am around him all I feel is a feeling you would feel for an uncle or distant relative, when I see his eyes and or hug him, it’s weird. I cannot describe it, I guess it’s a sort of love and the fact that when I see his latest wife doing nothing close to being a supportive partner my blood boils. If that isn’t love I don’t know what is.
