Blogger, childhood trauma, faith, family, loss, love, moving on, pnw, trauma

Go Ask Alice

Not that Alice, but if you could ask Alice anything what would you ask? This Alice though, she's the one I can't get over: "I happen to love rabbits, especially white ones" - Alice Kingsley When I reflect on my mild obsession with the Alice movies I can remember being very young, sick with something… Continue reading Go Ask Alice

Blogger, cheating, childhood trauma, dating, dreams, loss, love, moving on, romance, trauma

and the reason is…

I don't sleep in our past like I used to, and when I would see you so often your words would become echoes in my dreams, a voice seemingly designed to madden, no longer love but a broken record of torment. Playing the same questions over and over again and a song forming as I… Continue reading and the reason is…

abuse, Blogger, childhood trauma, dreams, family, friendships, loss, love, moving on, teen years, trauma

The Little Girls

This concept and or idea of there being many parts to us, that we have past versions of ourselves running around inside our hearts, mind, and souls; for me the little girls of my past, little Becky's that were not honored or seen. The idea of playing as an adult is a bit foreign to… Continue reading The Little Girls

Blogger, camping, faith, family, loss, love, teen years

old quotes and looking beyond

I found this journal of my mom's, she kept her own quote book of sorts, I had no idea and sadly and or ironically I have had one that I have filled since I was in my teens. Friends wrote in it, acquaintances, strangers and of course family. I use my quote book so often… Continue reading old quotes and looking beyond

abuse, Blogger, cheating, childhood trauma, city living, dreams, faith, trauma

I Am a Rock

When I was a youngin my mother would say this, or at least that is the way I remember it....that and the main verse playing in my head: "I am a rock, I am an island. And a rock feels no painAnd an island never cries" - Simon & Garfunkel As an adult trying like… Continue reading I Am a Rock