The future looks bright for those who dream. Courageous flights, where these souls do not look back, they do not look down, they look forward. Not at a future that they want but a future they believe they have set in motion.
I myself long for such a flight but I linger.
Linger in fear, in defeat; deep within my soul I do not see a future, not even one that I want. I sleep to dream but my dreams remain hidden from me. Restless urning ‘memories trapped in time, would I spend forever here and not be satisfied’ -S.M.
I long to be free and my soul longs to be set on fire, set to fly, set to see but something much deeper than myself holds my hands behind my back. I’m on my knees, blindfolded, hands bound behind me as I sense and hear the other souls run free. Their future looks bright, I can see their colors blend and although I am blindfolded I seem to see their courage and I wish deeply and long to fly like them something tells me there’s important work to be done here on the ground, bound to the present.