body issues, dating, love, romance

Should have been a lawyer cuz I’m such a good liar..

Is it too early for a throw back?

April 22nd, 2005

So many mornings I feel like today is no different than yesterday, each step, each word, they are all just routines in miniature. Each day I feel progressively more obese than the day before. When did I become so obsessed with fitting into this mold that we are all, as women, poisoned with?

I used to be this independent, stable, comfortable with my appearance ‘type a gal’ and the fact that everyone is different and God made us they way we are for a reason, but now….it’s as though all of the thoughts and glares that used to run off me like I was glass, now penetrate and I am soaked in depression.

Ten minutes until I will be set free. The sun is shining and all I am thankful for is that I have someone in my life that loves me for who I am, even when I cannot.
