“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear” -Mark Twain
I can think of nothing sadder that being governed by fear. By that I mean, each decision you make and or step you do or do not take is out of fear.
Being fearful in a relationship is something I have far too much experience in. Being fearful he will come home more drunk than the last time, fear that he will take things further, fearful that he will not accept me if I show my true self, fear, fear that I will never make him happy, that he will never accept and love me for who I am, hell even fear of his fears…fear..fear. It smells like…shit actually and even though I still struggle with it I can see and smell it on others sometimes.
Fear of changing jobs; Getting comfortable can lead to complacency from my experience. Fear of something new, something uncomfortable, something you have always dreamed of but have never pursued…why? Oh that’s right, FEAR.
Isn’t compromising your values something we should be more fearful of? Or settling? Staying in something or somewhere because it is safe. Screw safe, when did anyone ever grow from ‘safe. Life throws so many curve balls, it’s heart breaking, joyful, scary and can be filled with both epic disasters and epic adventures but it seems to me that settling for a life we only think we deserve is worse than any fate to be fearful of.
I read this article the other day, not siting it because I have no clue where I read or heard it. But it was about Romeo and Juliet. How we, as a society, well most of us (especially after Claire and Leo portrayed the ill-fated couple) view them as the epitome of romance, a love that truly was worth risking it all for. Today I am feeling a bit cynical so I will just go ahead a say it, they WERE fortunes fool. The article or blurb on the radio went onto say that they felt that William did not mean for us to read this or watch it performed and think ‘yes that is what love is like’ but rather to caution us. I am not saying either should have walked away if they really loved one another but could there have been a family meeting, a sit down? I am now off base…but both of those kids feared standing up to their parents, to society, to each other perhaps and they also feared that they would never find anything like what they had felt again?
Act 1 Scene 4: “I fear too early, for my mind misgives some consequence yet hanging in the stars shall bitterly begin.”
I encourage you to live without fear (and could you help me?) I write here because I try to let out my fear in bursts….I am not sure what would happen if I got into a discussion about R&J in an elevator with a stranger. I trust you guy much more 😉 Choose love; love yourself to know that you are worth more, let societies views of what you should look like/be doing go, there are more stars in the sky yet to be discovered and many people and places that beckon for someone like you to walk in and stir things up or desire that light that resides within you, chose discovery..perhaps where you are at now is less than satisfying, hold on, keep your fork…the best is yet to come.