In the light of day the room seemed completely different but the stench of that fight lingered. It’s been almost six months with Kyle; So like and yet so unalike each other, by far the most transparent relationship I’ve ever had.
Here in Panama the winds wail and I cry for the past and possibly the future. Howling for all the tasks left unchecked. All the chances never taken. My things scattered across the room last night and his desperation masked in pure anger tell me I’ve got a fight coming. My heart tells me there will be no band aid , no switch but hopefully a seemingly fluid and mature ending to something that, I don’t think either of us will ever know should have started nor if ending it is the right thing.
“Shatter every window ’til it’s all blown away Every brick, every board, every slamming door blown away ‘Til there’s nothing left standing. Nothing left of yesterday” -Carrie Underwood