alcohol, Blogger, cheating, friendships, loss, love, moving on, recovery

Castles Made of Sand

"And his tears fall and burn on the garden greenAnd so castles made of sand fall in the seaeventually" -The Jimi Hendrix Experience Out of the woodwork, they contact me, telling me they too were fooled by the devil. None of them have the years and scars that I do but I still listen. All… Continue reading Castles Made of Sand

abuse, alcohol, Blogger, childhood trauma, dreams, loss, love, romance, trauma

Here Kitty Kitty

Have I told you about the kitties in my dreams? They appear almost as much as he does. A therapist once told me these creatures represent me and that has both made sense and not over the years. In most cases I am taking care of them, stressed about them...there are almost always two, sometimes… Continue reading Here Kitty Kitty

abuse, alcohol, Blogger, dating, love, moving on, romance, tbt

Birthday Blues

1/1/2016... In the light of day the room seemed completely different but the stench of that fight lingered. It's been almost six months with Kyle; So like and yet so unalike each other, by far the most transparent relationship I've ever had. Here in Panama the winds wail and I cry for the past and… Continue reading Birthday Blues

alcohol, dating, faith, family, loss, love, recovery, romance, school

“It was all a dream” -Notorious BIG

I'm starting to wonder how many things I've been doing that are to purposefully set me back, all because of fear. Tonight while watching an old show, a wedding scene, a complicated relationship and seeing all the beautiful dynamics of a wedding, I sobbed like a baby! If you know me at all, ok well… Continue reading “It was all a dream” -Notorious BIG