I used to bathe in being blissfully unaware. I met you and it was like 8 years of squinting at the light but also sitting in the dark, so untrue of so many truths I used to cling to. Becks in bed looks so different now, she seemingly does not exist, still celibate and I… Continue reading Becks In Bed
Tag: love
Butterflies & Wallingford
I found this old book of my writing, it seems to be notes for a book. True to my young and idealistic form there are butterflies doodled all over this document...I had a thing for butterflies and poetry. 8/28/2001 "yes I love you" is another doodle of sorts, I don't think I knew what love… Continue reading Butterflies & Wallingford
Go Ask Alice
Not that Alice, but if you could ask Alice anything what would you ask? This Alice though, she's the one I can't get over: "I happen to love rabbits, especially white ones" - Alice Kingsley When I reflect on my mild obsession with the Alice movies I can remember being very young, sick with something… Continue reading Go Ask Alice
In Dreams: The Eye Of The Storm
In yet another installment of crazy dreams and demonic behavior, I give you the latest in screwed-up nightmares. The eye of the storm is, not actually the most tumultuous part of a storm, the eye is a region of mostly calm weather at the center of a tropical cyclone, and the eyewall is actually the… Continue reading In Dreams: The Eye Of The Storm
Castles Made of Sand
"And his tears fall and burn on the garden greenAnd so castles made of sand fall in the seaeventually" -The Jimi Hendrix Experience Out of the woodwork, they contact me, telling me they too were fooled by the devil. None of them have the years and scars that I do but I still listen. All… Continue reading Castles Made of Sand
Here Kitty Kitty
Have I told you about the kitties in my dreams? They appear almost as much as he does. A therapist once told me these creatures represent me and that has both made sense and not over the years. In most cases I am taking care of them, stressed about them...there are almost always two, sometimes… Continue reading Here Kitty Kitty
and the reason is…
I don't sleep in our past like I used to, and when I would see you so often your words would become echoes in my dreams, a voice seemingly designed to madden, no longer love but a broken record of torment. Playing the same questions over and over again and a song forming as I… Continue reading and the reason is…
The Ex-Factor
This a vintage post...February 7th, 2008 Dating is hard enough without bringing the past into a new relationship. In my last serious relationship (and please keep in mind I too ask myself ‘What the hell were you thinking’ as I am sure some of you may after reading this) there were late-night visits from women,… Continue reading The Ex-Factor
They Say Hawks Fly Alone
My brother is 10 years older than me, and he's been a rock for me at times, well he's tried as I seem to believe I am my own rock but he has tried nonetheless. He's quiet, contemplative, and seemingly rather sad; he's definitely the silent type, much like my Mother - a 'silent sufferer'… Continue reading They Say Hawks Fly Alone
he was my rain
"I always wanted to love Eve as Denny loved her, but I never had because I was afraid. She was my rain. She was my unpredictable element. She was my fear. But a racer should not be afraid of rain; a racer should embrace the rain. I alone could manifest a change in that which… Continue reading he was my rain