I don't want to be sexist but I think this statement is true: Most women can relate and or understand the fact that our relationship with our hair dresser is a complex one. Plainly put, there are things we tell the person cutting/coloring our locks that we would not share with anyone, perhaps not always… Continue reading How To Break Up With Your Hair Dresser
Tag: citylife
Stocking Up on Compassion
In one of the too many piles of scribbles, scratches, and musings, and 'don't forget how this made you feel' piles, I found this note I had written. These days compassion is not something that I hold in high regard, if I am being honest I feel taken advantage of by people who are in… Continue reading Stocking Up on Compassion
burn like never before…
I’ve held something very close for as long as I can remember. Today I let it slip, a secret I did not know that I had, an omission that after I let the words slip past my lips, they seemed trapped inside my little apartment, circling me, bouncing off the walls, and forcing me to… Continue reading burn like never before…
All the promises we made..
11/27 - Circa 2005 Weathering diversity, as I always have. Breaking down...no letting go and deciding to let him be mad and just do it for her. Another holiday alone, though I will never forget last years New Years, going to bed before midnight and feeling so low suicidal thoughts creeped. When does my epic… Continue reading All the promises we made..