My father is an 80-year-old Oklahoma-born, Vietnam vet, a retired police officer, and very much a man of his generation. So of course he wanted to be a John Wayne type. If you are not familiar with JW let me give you a few examples - from the movie Hondo (this is totally how he… Continue reading He’s Ain’t No John Wayne
Tag: trauma
Go Ask Alice
Not that Alice, but if you could ask Alice anything what would you ask? This Alice though, she's the one I can't get over: "I happen to love rabbits, especially white ones" - Alice Kingsley When I reflect on my mild obsession with the Alice movies I can remember being very young, sick with something… Continue reading Go Ask Alice
Carrying Innocense Throughout The Abyss?
I have always been a vivid dreamer, so was my Mom. We would trade dreams like most trade stories about vacations. Both anxious, both sensitive to many things, both empaths. You hear a feather floating to the floor and we/I feel an anvil dropping, it is maddening at times. The most frequent dreams of mine… Continue reading Carrying Innocense Throughout The Abyss?