childhood trauma, dreams, loss, love, trauma

In Dreams: The Eye Of The Storm

In yet another installment of crazy dreams and demonic behavior, I give you the latest in screwed-up nightmares. The eye of the storm is, not actually the most tumultuous part of a storm, the eye is a region of mostly calm weather at the center of a tropical cyclone, and the eyewall is actually the… Continue reading In Dreams: The Eye Of The Storm

abuse, Blogger, childhood trauma, dreams, family, friendships, loss, love, moving on, teen years, trauma

The Little Girls

This concept and or idea of there being many parts to us, that we have past versions of ourselves running around inside our hearts, mind, and souls; for me the little girls of my past, little Becky's that were not honored or seen. The idea of playing as an adult is a bit foreign to… Continue reading The Little Girls

Blogger, camping, faith, family, loss, love, teen years

old quotes and looking beyond

I found this journal of my mom's, she kept her own quote book of sorts, I had no idea and sadly and or ironically I have had one that I have filled since I was in my teens. Friends wrote in it, acquaintances, strangers and of course family. I use my quote book so often… Continue reading old quotes and looking beyond

abuse, Blogger, childhood trauma, dreams, faith, family, loss, love, Uncategorized, washington state

rêves les plus fous

As sleep, naps and rest elude me I search for ways to rest myself, ways to release the demons, memories of us, memories of her, worries, sorrows, they all create a wall of sorts for me on a daily basis, if I can get through the wall I can be at peace but they join… Continue reading rêves les plus fous

childhood trauma, dreams, faith, family, loss, trauma

Carrying Innocense Throughout The Abyss?

I have always been a vivid dreamer, so was my Mom. We would trade dreams like most trade stories about vacations. Both anxious, both sensitive to many things, both empaths. You hear a feather floating to the floor and we/I feel an anvil dropping, it is maddening at times. The most frequent dreams of mine… Continue reading Carrying Innocense Throughout The Abyss?

alcohol, dating, faith, family, loss, love, recovery, romance, school

“It was all a dream” -Notorious BIG

I'm starting to wonder how many things I've been doing that are to purposefully set me back, all because of fear. Tonight while watching an old show, a wedding scene, a complicated relationship and seeing all the beautiful dynamics of a wedding, I sobbed like a baby! If you know me at all, ok well… Continue reading “It was all a dream” -Notorious BIG