I have small memories of my sister growing up. My Dad's voice telling me 'your sister is just, different. She thinks with only her heart'. He also said things like 'when you talk with her try and remember that you're talking with a grown-up but she thinks like you do, if not more naive'. Before… Continue reading “Sisters, sisters. There were never such devoted sisters”
Author: B wrote this
Heart of Hearts – COVID Style
I found this piece of writing as I work through and re-write my Mothers musings. At first glance I see a list of what looks like doctors notes: Coronary heart disease, Hyperglycemia 70, Atrial Fibrillation, Heart Block AV, CHF Congestive Heart Failure, Asthma, age related nuclear lateral bilicetend, focal cloroidites (clitorides?) (left eye), hypothyroidism....I am… Continue reading Heart of Hearts – COVID Style
It’s so hard to be sweet, to be quiet, to be vulnerable and demur. So much of me wants to fight; I don’t want to stay ‘stand up’ because I am not abused, generally unheard, I really do not go without (unless you consider the days I am on my 'diet' and I do not… Continue reading M.A.D.
Strengths Finder: Responsibility
A reminder to not let this stop you from living your best life. Get out of the city, go on a hike, do all those things you said you would do away from people. "Did you know that one fully grown tree can provide enough oxygen for 2 to 10 people every day?! Breathe in… Breathe out… and say thank you to a forest!" https://www.earthrangers.com/top-10/10-reasons-why-forests-are-so-awesome/
Loving Forward & Moving Forward
I started to write earlier this week about trauma. I began to recant about a past situation, occurrence, nightmare come true but I just have not been able to keep writing. At times it is hard to write down what I have written; sometimes I cry when I am typing and of course many times… Continue reading Loving Forward & Moving Forward
The future looks bright for those who dream. Courageous flights, where these souls do not look back, they do not look down, they look forward. Not at a future that they want but a future they believe they have set in motion. I myself long for such a flight but I linger.Linger in fear, in… Continue reading Bound
Laying in my old bunk bed in the dark, the slightest of light coming from my cracked bedroom door. I had finally fallen off the bars, I guess you could call them monkey bars but they were always more serious to me; after so much practice I had fallen hard. I don’t remember anything after… Continue reading Superwoman
in momenti di grande tensione
“In times of stress, the best thing we can do for each other is to listen with our ears and our hearts and to be assured that our questions are just as important as our answers.”― Fred Rogers, The World According to Mister Rogers: Important Things to Remember I do not speak Italian, let me just be… Continue reading in momenti di grande tensione
Can I be the container?
A few super bowls ago a group of mostly strangers went around a circle asking a variety of, well ice breakers, I only remember one question: “what would you do with 1 million dollars”. I do not recall what anyone else’s answer was; I am sure they were grand like…buy a yacht, buy a mansion,… Continue reading Can I be the container?
Is it possible to begin a relationship without having to bring up previous ones? Previous fails, successes, infidelities, lies, abuse, sadness....I could go on but what is the use, I am hoping you get the point. If some relationships define another what does it mean if we do not wish to have our past defined?… Continue reading Distrust