Rows and flows of angel hair. The absence of you is sometimes more than I can bear. Most days I function on a normal level but those moments when you creep in and I can feel your hand on my arm, smell lavender, hear your laugh and your voice and see….you walking, sleeping, making plans,… Continue reading Tears and fears and feeling proud
Author: B wrote this
Pretty Little Liar
12/21/16 I wonder what it is about human nature that makes us lie. Sometimes they are small little lies and other times it's a big one, perhaps that sort of lie that becomes a snowball of a lie, rolling and gathering other lies to help it keep going down a hill where you know there's… Continue reading Pretty Little Liar
Passing On
My Mother died in August. If you follow my blog and or read the one about internal bleeding that was about her, we all knew her sad but beautiful heart would someday fail but I don't think anything could have prepared me. I don't know many girls who have a best friend for their Mother;… Continue reading Passing On
Side Door
Chaos at best
For as long as I can remember so much of my life, times, jobs, boyfriends, family…everything has been chaos, at best. I just wonder if it’s all me, after all the definition of insanity is repeating the same thing expecting different results. Oh and also that if something happens to you, whether it be someone… Continue reading Chaos at best
It’s a drinking shame
It's been awhile. I am not sure whether it's the sure nerve and or raw feeling that comes from writing down ones inner most thoughts and or feelings but I struggle these days. All I think about when I write now is, hope, sometimes relief. Hope that someone will read this silly rant or two… Continue reading It’s a drinking shame
Internal Bleeding
Internal bleeding (also called internal hemorrhage) is a loss of blood that occurs from the vascular system into a body cavity or space. It is a serious medical emergency and the extent of severity depends on bleeding rate and location of the bleeding (e.g. heart, brain, stomach, lungs) You know those people who have been… Continue reading Internal Bleeding
Monsters Ball
April 3 2016 They say the 2nd time is the charm, right!? Another night, another room, another occasion to hurt each other. Unlike last time I fought back, grabbing, pulling, pushing…’push me pull you’… Last time I was scared, balling at the monster he became. How I was able to recover mentally and still love… Continue reading Monsters Ball
Friends in Low Places
In your 20's the rotating door of friends is ever turning them into 'somebody you used to know'. I do not pretend to think this isn't just me but so many girl friends have gone in and out with a bang but I will say 20 somethings seems to be now on top of the… Continue reading Friends in Low Places
Birthday Blues
In the light of day the room seemed completely different but the stench of that fight lingered. It’s been almost six months with Kyle. So like and so unlike any other. By far the most transparent relationship and the most passionate I have ever experienced. Here in Panama the winds wail and cry for the… Continue reading Birthday Blues