
Let’s Reframe This Business

I am a recovering ‘all or nothing thinker’, by definition: “All-or-nothing thinking often involves using absolute terms, such as never or ever. This type of faulty thinking can also include an inability to see the alternatives in a situation or solutions to a problem. For people with anxiety or depression, this often means only seeing… Continue reading Let’s Reframe This Business

cheating, dating, family, love, moving on, romance, sex

Forever Goodbyes

It’s been over 5 years. 2 affairs, 1 miscarriage, 3 apartments, 1 loss of a mother, and countless fights, sexcapades, and 3 countries visited… Still, we try.. I don’t think am in love anymore, the affairs traumatized me and seemed to have flipped a switch that, try as I may, as we may, to reestablish… Continue reading Forever Goodbyes

alcohol, dating, faith, family, loss, love, recovery, romance, school

“It was all a dream” -Notorious BIG

I'm starting to wonder how many things I've been doing that are to purposefully set me back, all because of fear. Tonight while watching an old show, a wedding scene, a complicated relationship and seeing all the beautiful dynamics of a wedding, I sobbed like a baby! If you know me at all, ok well… Continue reading “It was all a dream” -Notorious BIG

city living, family, love, romance, school

you make me poetic

July 4th 2000 My heart sings in the honda that plays all my strings. A thousand words flow from my emptiness as the tunes she plays for me, engulfs the clothes and fast food. "I miss my love, like the deserts miss the rain; and I miss you" Everything But The Girl So tired of… Continue reading you make me poetic

abuse, cheating, city living, dating, family, loss, love, moving on, romance, school

Physical Trauma vs. Emotional Trauma

I found this fantastic site where you can obtain free pictures for social media or even Blog posts and I have even found pictures for work proposals and or meetings. I have been working on my manuscript, I used the site to look for media. A manuscript, if you can call it that, I really… Continue reading Physical Trauma vs. Emotional Trauma

abuse, faith, family, loss, love

“Sisters, sisters. There were never such devoted sisters”

I have small memories of my sister growing up. My Dad's voice telling me 'your sister is just, different. She thinks with only her heart'. He also said things like 'when you talk with her try and remember that you're talking with a grown-up but she thinks like you do, if not more naive'. Before… Continue reading “Sisters, sisters. There were never such devoted sisters”