abuse, Blogger, childhood trauma, dreams, family, friendships, loss, love, moving on, teen years, trauma

The Little Girls

This concept and or idea of there being many parts to us, that we have past versions of ourselves running around inside our hearts, mind, and souls; for me the little girls of my past, little Becky's that were not honored or seen. The idea of playing as an adult is a bit foreign to… Continue reading The Little Girls

abuse, Blogger, childhood trauma, dating, loss, love, moving on, romance, trauma, Uncategorized

The Heart Break Special

Both are under scrutiny. The stench of lies and ego fog any love cloud from forming in such conditions. Starring at countless ceilings, so many blind spots both spiritually, sexually, and emotionally. There was no surrendering, not anymore. I feel crazy thinking of your words and you so freely throw punches as if you think… Continue reading The Heart Break Special

abuse, Blogger, cheating, childhood trauma, city living, dreams, faith, trauma

I Am a Rock

When I was a youngin my mother would say this, or at least that is the way I remember it....that and the main verse playing in my head: "I am a rock, I am an island. And a rock feels no painAnd an island never cries" - Simon & Garfunkel As an adult trying like… Continue reading I Am a Rock

abuse, Blogger, childhood trauma, dreams, faith, family, loss, love, Uncategorized, washington state

rêves les plus fous

As sleep, naps and rest elude me I search for ways to rest myself, ways to release the demons, memories of us, memories of her, worries, sorrows, they all create a wall of sorts for me on a daily basis, if I can get through the wall I can be at peace but they join… Continue reading rêves les plus fous

cheating, childhood trauma, dating, family, loss, love, trauma

Baby Loves to Run

No longer running from or towards him, addressing past runs and what the consequences have been, so much more than dehydration. The dried flowers, my new running routine, and the echoes of sweet words and sweat are all that remain. "Taught her young, the only things she'd need to carry on, he taught her how… Continue reading Baby Loves to Run

childhood trauma, dissociative amnesia, faith, family, trauma

Mending Desertion

My sister Robin is 53 and has a genetic disorder, Prader Willi Syndrome. When I was much younger I told very few people about my sister, for no other reason than fear, people fear what they do not understand. When I was 6 years old I was essentially hanging out with another child; she was… Continue reading Mending Desertion

abuse, cheating, childhood trauma, dating, dissociative amnesia, faith, loss, love, moving on, pnw, romance, trauma

Cease and Desist

While no danger is in sight I had to, a new boundary. The past beckons to me and I cry and suffocate those memories, not now, I just can't. Giving the love to Jesus and letting him take the wheel is seemingly working, well sometimes. My heart longs but my soul knows the end has… Continue reading Cease and Desist