I loved you differently. Don't want you back you're just the best I ever had. My spirit is bruised but my tenacity could never be shaken by your betrayals. They say you never lose by loving, I know I've lost something but the fact that I do not know what's missing tells me I am… Continue reading Loving You Had Consequences
Category: romance
Forever Goodbyes
It’s been over 5 years. 2 affairs, 1 miscarriage, 3 apartments, 1 loss of a mother, and countless fights, sexcapades, and 3 countries visited… Still, we try.. I don’t think am in love anymore, the affairs traumatized me and seemed to have flipped a switch that, try as I may, as we may, to reestablish… Continue reading Forever Goodbyes
Adaptation 🎶
I got my eyes on you, you're everything that I seeI want your hot love and emotion, endlesslyI got my eyes on you, you're everything that I seeI can't get over you, you left your mark on me Cause you're good girl and you know it, good girl and you know itYou act so different… Continue reading Adaptation 🎶
“It was all a dream” -Notorious BIG
I'm starting to wonder how many things I've been doing that are to purposefully set me back, all because of fear. Tonight while watching an old show, a wedding scene, a complicated relationship and seeing all the beautiful dynamics of a wedding, I sobbed like a baby! If you know me at all, ok well… Continue reading “It was all a dream” -Notorious BIG
Back in Time..
11.28.2000 While you decide what feelings fit I am lonely. I cry out to you, truly trying to speak in tongues. But all you get is my lips. My destination has altered, I now know your not where I should be going. I keep striving for strength, trying to hold back, but with you I… Continue reading Back in Time..
dare to dream
When I'm drifting off to sleep something in my broken heart rewinds. -B
Unprocessed Emotions
February 2021 Seeing his pain, watching him grow and learn and navigate through it all, the word inspiring just does not cover it. His trauma paints the walls a beautiful blue and my green eyes look on in awe. He is a true artist, I adore him but I cannot help looking back at the… Continue reading Unprocessed Emotions
you make me poetic
July 4th 2000 My heart sings in the honda that plays all my strings. A thousand words flow from my emptiness as the tunes she plays for me, engulfs the clothes and fast food. "I miss my love, like the deserts miss the rain; and I miss you" Everything But The Girl So tired of… Continue reading you make me poetic
i loved you differently
I am a rather proud person, a woman of determination, a lady of her own. I have an independence that pushes and pulls people away and in at times, or so it seems. When I sit and count my demons I envision sitting on the edge of the pool that either I created or has… Continue reading i loved you differently
“You Ain’t Got No Future Jack”
Despite all the remakes and don't get me wrong I respect them, Heath Ledger & Joaquin Phoenix...I am still haunted by both films, renditions of The Joker, mostly the most recent, did any of that movie even happen!? "You ain't got no future Jack" - Eckhardt. I believe he is an inspector or detective, but… Continue reading “You Ain’t Got No Future Jack”