body issues, cheating, dating, dreams, faith, loss, love, moving on, romance, trauma, Uncategorized

Loving You Had Consequences

I loved you differently. Don't want you back you're just the best I ever had. My spirit is bruised but my tenacity could never be shaken by your betrayals. They say you never lose by loving, I know I've lost something but the fact that I do not know what's missing tells me I am… Continue reading Loving You Had Consequences

cheating, dating, family, love, moving on, romance, sex

Forever Goodbyes

It’s been over 5 years. 2 affairs, 1 miscarriage, 3 apartments, 1 loss of a mother, and countless fights, sexcapades, and 3 countries visited… Still, we try.. I don’t think am in love anymore, the affairs traumatized me and seemed to have flipped a switch that, try as I may, as we may, to reestablish… Continue reading Forever Goodbyes

alcohol, dating, faith, family, loss, love, recovery, romance, school

“It was all a dream” -Notorious BIG

I'm starting to wonder how many things I've been doing that are to purposefully set me back, all because of fear. Tonight while watching an old show, a wedding scene, a complicated relationship and seeing all the beautiful dynamics of a wedding, I sobbed like a baby! If you know me at all, ok well… Continue reading “It was all a dream” -Notorious BIG

city living, family, love, romance, school

you make me poetic

July 4th 2000 My heart sings in the honda that plays all my strings. A thousand words flow from my emptiness as the tunes she plays for me, engulfs the clothes and fast food. "I miss my love, like the deserts miss the rain; and I miss you" Everything But The Girl So tired of… Continue reading you make me poetic