I loved you differently. Don't want you back you're just the best I ever had. My spirit is bruised but my tenacity could never be shaken by your betrayals. They say you never lose by loving, I know I've lost something but the fact that I do not know what's missing tells me I am… Continue reading Loving You Had Consequences
Tag: infidelity
burn like never before…
I’ve held something very close for as long as I can remember. Today I let it slip, a secret I did not know that I had, an omission that after I let the words slip past my lips, they seemed trapped inside my little apartment, circling me, bouncing off the walls, and forcing me to… Continue reading burn like never before…
Forever Goodbyes
It’s been over 5 years. 2 affairs, 1 miscarriage, 3 apartments, 1 loss of a mother, and countless fights, sexcapades, and 3 countries visited… Still, we try.. I don’t think am in love anymore, the affairs traumatized me and seemed to have flipped a switch that, try as I may, as we may, to reestablish… Continue reading Forever Goodbyes
Unprocessed Emotions
February 2021 Seeing his pain, watching him grow and learn and navigate through it all, the word inspiring just does not cover it. His trauma paints the walls a beautiful blue and my green eyes look on in awe. He is a true artist, I adore him but I cannot help looking back at the… Continue reading Unprocessed Emotions
“Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies”
And sometimes the answer we get is our greatest fear. "When we're headed toward an outcome that's too horrible to face, that's when we go looking for a second opinion. And sometimes, the answer we get just confirms our worst fears. But sometimes, it can shed new light on the problem, make you see it… Continue reading “Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies”