In relationships there is often give and take. Compromise should be a piece of the foundation of any relationship if you want it to thrive and survive. Each partner should allow each person to meet his or her needs together with the other. Don't compromise yourself, you are all that you have. A real man… Continue reading The Art of Running Backwards
Author: B wrote this
Baby loves to run
I have always been a runner. The above statement is very misleading, and I wrote it with purpose. Partially to put it down on ‘paper’ that I am a runner and in doing so owning that shit. I am not saying that I love this about myself, that people should understand and or that it… Continue reading Baby loves to run
Feeling musical… 'Sometimes the most perfect love stories end. That does not, however, make them anything less than wonderful.' -B (and Carrie Bradshaw I think) There's something about Ed Vedder. I definitely had an alt phase, being a Seattle girl after all (which I am sure you know if you follow this blog). I loved so… Continue reading Feeling musical…
The Butterfly Effect
“So Dear to My Heart” he my defensive soul all I hear is that I am an innocent and not so innocent consolation prize.. His words either slice through me like a hot sharp knife or they cause me to swoon and goose bump. Such an effect. One blow of his wind causes such… Continue reading The Butterfly Effect
Should have been a lawyer cuz I’m such a good liar..
Is it too early for a throw back? April 22nd, 2005 So many mornings I feel like today is no different than yesterday, each step, each word, they are all just routines in miniature. Each day I feel progressively more obese than the day before. When did I become so obsessed with fitting into this… Continue reading Should have been a lawyer cuz I’m such a good liar..
Hear Her Roar
#TBT Three years ago to be exact.. The savage friend is one not all of us come across in a lifetime. That friend who will defend you no matter what and be by your side like the most loyal of humans. Beware the lioness though, she kills for much deeper reasons than survival. This friend… Continue reading Hear Her Roar
“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear” -Mark Twain I can think of nothing sadder that being governed by fear. By that I mean, each decision you make and or step you do or do not take is out of fear. Being fearful in a relationship is something I have… Continue reading Fear
City Loathing
My life is so chaotic, with all the dog sitting, relationship turmoil, death...and taxes (movie reference, get it?) it’s a wonder the dogs even like me. There is the occasional dog who sleeps away from me, lays away from me, watches me and I wonder if they sense my unrest, my complete abandon for certain… Continue reading City Loathing
Say Something
What should I say, what could make any difference, what could I change. I cannot help myself…or can I? Caught up in my own storm of ‘all the things I have always wanted and cannot have’. Push me pull you and all I am is in the middle of what I seem to want more… Continue reading Say Something
Take It Back
Relationships are hard, perhaps harder than anyone can really tell you. To date I have never been more in love than I am now. As a previously painfully independent slut (yes I just said that) I never thought, well I hoped, but I never thought I would want to just be with one guy, a… Continue reading Take It Back