cheating, childhood trauma, dating, family, loss, love, trauma

Baby Loves to Run

No longer running from or towards him, addressing past runs and what the consequences have been, so much more than dehydration. The dried flowers, my new running routine, and the echoes of sweet words and sweat are all that remain. "Taught her young, the only things she'd need to carry on, he taught her how… Continue reading Baby Loves to Run

city living, dating, family, friendships, loss, love, moving on, pnw, romance, tbt, teen years

TBT “away from love”

May 3rd, 2001 Perhaps my hatred for her comes out of fear. Fear that she could take away my greatest asset, or maybe that fear I have never spoken of, the one where I often catch a glimpse of my own weakness in her smile. I wish right now that I could get up and… Continue reading TBT “away from love”

childhood trauma, dissociative amnesia, faith, family, trauma

Mending Desertion

My sister Robin is 53 and has a genetic disorder, Prader Willi Syndrome. When I was much younger I told very few people about my sister, for no other reason than fear, people fear what they do not understand. When I was 6 years old I was essentially hanging out with another child; she was… Continue reading Mending Desertion

childhood trauma, dreams, faith, family, loss, trauma

Carrying Innocense Throughout The Abyss?

I have always been a vivid dreamer, so was my Mom. We would trade dreams like most trade stories about vacations. Both anxious, both sensitive to many things, both empaths. You hear a feather floating to the floor and we/I feel an anvil dropping, it is maddening at times. The most frequent dreams of mine… Continue reading Carrying Innocense Throughout The Abyss?

cheating, dating, family, love, moving on, romance, sex

Forever Goodbyes

It’s been over 5 years. 2 affairs, 1 miscarriage, 3 apartments, 1 loss of a mother, and countless fights, sexcapades, and 3 countries visited… Still, we try.. I don’t think am in love anymore, the affairs traumatized me and seemed to have flipped a switch that, try as I may, as we may, to reestablish… Continue reading Forever Goodbyes

camping, city living, dating, faith, family, hiking, loss, love, moving on, pnw, Uncategorized, washington state

Bridging Gaps….or not..

As a child, I hiked, camped, and crossed all the old rickety, wooden, and solid bridges of Washington State Parks, it terrified me to cross them, no matter the condition but I never spoke up. I'd say I am not sure why but I know why. I did not want to disappoint or affect the… Continue reading Bridging Gaps….or not..

city living, dating, family, loss, love, moving on

All the promises we made..

11/27 - Circa 2005 Weathering diversity, as I always have. Breaking letting go and deciding to let him be mad and just do it for her. Another holiday alone, though I will never forget last years New Years, going to bed before midnight and feeling so low suicidal thoughts creeped. When does my epic… Continue reading All the promises we made..

alcohol, dating, faith, family, loss, love, recovery, romance, school

“It was all a dream” -Notorious BIG

I'm starting to wonder how many things I've been doing that are to purposefully set me back, all because of fear. Tonight while watching an old show, a wedding scene, a complicated relationship and seeing all the beautiful dynamics of a wedding, I sobbed like a baby! If you know me at all, ok well… Continue reading “It was all a dream” -Notorious BIG